

✨««—-| .I'm too lazy to revamp this entire carrd. |—-»»✨


« –╟─────• · ∙ BEFORE YOU INTERACT ∙ · •─────╢– »

Ask me about sensitive topics/triggering subjects when talking to me please, it can be very uncomfortable or triggering

  • Gore/Blood [Mild]

  • Disturbing imagery ask me first

  • Flashing lights or fast movement

What I DON'T like

  • Sexual Content [pretty obvious]

  • Anything mentioning very controversial or very sensitive subjects/names

  • Just political shit in general



  • You are transphobic/homophobic

  • You support Zoo/P*dos, those disgusting creatures

« About Me »

I am Pipperment. Feel free to call me anything :3Unlabeled | She/Her or They/Them / Any Pronouns
I'm Asexual / Bisexual :>
I am a MINOR‼️
I do digital art and animation, and I probably have ADHD. I'm pretty introverted and won't be comftorable strike up a conversation, though feel free to chat to me about something any time

« --- Commissions --- »

I'm still setting my commission page and will get it ready soonand by I soon I mean never/hj

My Ko-Fi Page!(Closed)
Commission Carrd